
This is a list of my preprints and publications in reverse-chronological order. Citations to my papers can be found on Google Scholar.

in preparation

  1. book
    Simpson’s shapes of schemes and stacks
    Sala, Francesco, and Porta, Mauro

to appear

  1. Math. Ann.
    Shuffle algebras for quivers as quantum groups
    Negut, AndreiSala, Francesco, and Schiffmann, Olivier
    Mathematische Annalen  (to appear)


  1. arXiv Preprint
    Flops and Hilbert schemes of space curve singularities
    Diaconescu, Duiliu EmanuelPorta, MauroSala, Francesco, and Vosoughinia, Arian
    arXiv preprint  (2023)
  2. JEMS
    Two-dimensional categorified Hall algebras
    Sala, Francesco, and Porta, Mauro
    Journal of the European Mathematical Society  (2023), no. 3, pages 1113–1205
  3. Represent. Theory
    McKay correspondence, cohomological Hall algebras and categorification
    Diaconescu, Duiliu EmanuelPorta, Mauro, and Sala, Francesco
    Representation Theory of The American Mathematical Society  (2023), pages 933–972


  1. Moscow Math. J.
    Continuum Kac-Moody algebras
    Appel, AndreaSala, Francesco, and Schiffmann, Olivier
    Moscow Mathematical Journal  (2022), no. 2, pages 177–224
  2. arXiv Preprint
    Cohomological Hall algebras and their representations via torsion pairs
    Diaconescu, Duiliu EmanuelPorta, Mauro, and Sala, Francesco
    arXiv preprint  (2022)
  3. OWR Reports
    Representations of cohomological Hall algebras via stable pairs. In “Interactions between Algebraic Geometry and Noncommutative Algebra (hybrid meeting)”
    Sala, Francesco
    Oberwolfach Reports  (2022), pages 59-61


  1. IMRN
    Fock space representation of the circle quantum group
    Sala, Francesco, and Schiffmann, Olivier
    International Mathematics Research Notices. IMRN  (2021), no. 22, pages 17025–17070


  1. Pure Appl. Math. Q.
    Quantization of continuum Kac-Moody algebras
    Appel, Andrea, and Sala, Francesco
    Pure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly  (2020), no. 3, pages 439–493
  2. Algebr. Geom.
    Cohomological Hall algebra of Higgs sheaves on a curve
    Sala, Francesco, and Schiffmann, Olivier
    Algebraic Geometry  (2020), no. 3, pages 346–376


  1. Selecta Math. (N.S.)
    The circle quantum group and the infinite root stack of a curve
    Sala, Francesco, and Schiffmann, Olivier
    Selecta Mathematica. New Series  (2019), no. 5, pages Paper No. 77, 86


  1. Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse
    Instantons and framed sheaves on Kähler Deligne-Mumford stacks
    Eyssidieux, Philippe, and Sala, Francesco
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série 6  (2018), no. 3, pages 599–628


  1. Adv. Math.
    Framed sheaves on root stacks and supersymmetric gauge theories on ALE spaces
    Bruzzo, Ugo, Pedrini, Mattia,  Sala, Francesco, and Szabo, Richard J.
    Advances in Mathematics  (2016), pages 1175–1308
  2. J. Geom. Phys.
    AGT relations for abelian quiver gauge theories on ALE spaces
    Pedrini, Mattia,  Sala, Francesco, and Szabo, Richard J.
    Journal of Geometry and Physics  (2016), pages 43–89


  1. Lett. Math. Phys.
    N=2 quiver gauge theories on A-type ALE spaces
    Bruzzo, UgoSala, Francesco, and Szabo, Richard J.
    Letters in Mathematical Physics  (2015), no. 3, pages 401–445
  2. Adv. Math.
    Framed sheaves on projective stacks
    Bruzzo, Ugo, and Sala, Francesco
    Advances in Mathematics  (2015), pages 20–95


  1. J. Pure Appl. Algebra
    Restriction theorems for μ-(semi)stable framed sheaves
    Sala, Francesco
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra  (2013), no. 12, pages 2320–2344


  1. Cent. Eur. J. Math.
    Symplectic structures on moduli spaces of framed sheaves on surfaces
    Sala, Francesco
    Central European Journal of Mathematics  (2012), no. 4, pages 1455–1471


  1. Ph.D. Thesis
    Some topics in the geometry of framed sheaves and their moduli spaces
    Sala, Francesco
    Ph.D. Thesis  (2011), pages 1–103