Home I'm Indexed! Research Survive Dynamical Zeta Functions Social Math Didattica
  1. P. Giulietti, S. Marmi and M. Tanzi " Random-like properties of Chaotic Forcing " arxiv
  2. P. Giulietti, P. Koltai, S. Vaienti "Targets and Holes" in Proceedings of AMS (2020) arxiv doi
  3. S. Galatolo, P. Giulietti "Linear response, dynamical systems with additive noise and the control of their statistical properties" in "NonLinearity" (2019) to arxiv doi
  4. C. Bonanno, P. Giulietti, M. Lenci "Global-local mixing for the Boole Map" In "Chaos, Solitons & Fractals" (2018) arxiv doi
  5. C. Bonanno, P. Giulietti, M. Lenci "Infinite mixing for one-dimensional maps with an indifferent fixed point" in "NonLinearity" (2018) arxiv doi
  6. P. Giulietti, C. Liverani. “Parabolic dynamics and Anisotropic Banach spaces” in "Journal of the European Mathematical Society" (2019) arxiv doi
  7. P. Giulietti, A.O. Lopes, D. Marcon and B. Kloeckner. “The Calculus of Thermodynamic Formalism" In "Journal of the European Mathematical Society" (2018) arxiv doi
  8. A.O. Lopes P. Giulietti and V. Pit. “Duality between Eigenfunctions and Eigendistributions of Ruelle and Koopman operators via an integral kernel”. In "Stochastics and Dynamics" (2016) arxiv doi
  9. P. Giulietti. “Zeta functions and Continuous time Dynamics.” In "Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics" (2014) doi pdf
  10. C. Liverani P. Giulietti and M. Pollicott. “Anosov Flows and Dynamical Zeta Functions”. In "Annals of Mathematics" (2013) arxiv doi
Coming soon!
  1. P. Giulietti "Invariant distributions and time averages for horocycle flows through anisotropic Banach spaces" Mail me for a Preview
  2. M. Artigiani and P. Giulietti "On NonLinear Pseudo-Anosov maps" Mail me for a Preview
  3. M. Gianfelice and P. Giulietti "On the emergence of flocking for agent systems with topological interactions" Mail me for a Preview
  4. P. Giulietti "_ ____________ formalism ________ to neural _______" Mail me for a Preview
Last Updated 02/09/2024
Credits for the background pic to SlowMo